Thursday, November 09, 2006

Here it begins...the new semester...

After the 3weeks break, everything is back to normal again. Study life is on again and the thought of skipping class is on again.kekeke. All of the classes had begun except tutorial classes. Thank god I got to register for my Malaysian Studies.

As the semester started, I met everyone again and of course BFF, miss you all!!! hehe. The 1st day I met Jenn, and kinda first thing that she told me was "the tatoo guy is attached! and she saw he n his gf". I was like "ouh really?"[dissapointed though] ok, who that tatoo guy actually is? He is the first guy in MMU that adored me! lolz~ I can still remember the firat time I met him is at the Adminisration office, when I was registering myself to enter MMU. He was there for some admin stuff also. Why is he being known as "Tatoo guy"? cause he has a tatoo on his leg. Its somewhere near the foot it's something like one of Linkin park's member.It's kewl~

Jenn was trying hard to describe the gal to me but I couldn't imagine how she looks like. So, under my curiosity today, I click on friendster, and search for this guy. I can still remember that his name is Timothy! lolz~ ok, here I go... Within few mins, I got to search for this guy, and he is really attached. At the same time, I found out how the girl friend looks like. erm...she's looking quite good.lolz~ And with my excited thought, I sent him a smile on friendster. hahah!!! [desperado!] nevermind...what desperate ,what go ahead and judge me. I don't give a damn! I am just being freindly and admire his tatoo!!! [I guess?] muahahaha!!!! Alrite, tats all about the "tatoo guy".

What you guys have been up to? hmm... me nothing much here. Just trying to adjust myself to study "mode" and I'm trying to get some chemical besides caffaine that will keep me awake, so that I wont fall asleep in class.

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